
Monday, March 30, 2015

Ei, Ei, Eierei :-)

Hi friends,

 Die Zeit läuft mir in diesem Jahr davon, Ostern steht vor der Tür und lässt sich auch nicht mehr abweisen ;-)
Deshalb heute nur ganz kurz ein paar Anregungen zum Ostereier gestalten und bemalen.
Eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsbeschäftigungen, ich glaube ich bin ein verkappter Osterhasi ;-)


Viel Spaß beim Eier bemalen!!!
LG Kerstin

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Beautiful Day

Welcome friends,

Happy Birthday to the 2nd Blogaversary - Thank you very much for inviting me!
I was just so honoured and excited. 

 perfectly theme and so I have choose - no surprise ;-) - Art journaling , 
because it makes me happy!,
it relaxes me and helps me to stress management

used materials + white gesso + decoupage glue
 I have worked with decoupage technique (napkin), 
used stencils, stamps, distress inks, laces and grandma's old buttons.

It's a memory on a very beautiful day in Paris  last year.
I hope you will inspired to discover the fascinating world of Art Journaling. 
In fact, there are no rules for journaling, is anything goes.
This is actually the oft-quoted "The journey is the reward" and the images are created precisely.
The journaling very different forms of expression can be used: painting, drawing, photography, collage, stamps, stencils, writing, .... and much more. Often it is a combination of different techniques in Mixed media style, that lead to pages .

Primed with diluted white gesso, let dry, then use a wonderful napkin with decoupage glue, just the stencils with white gesso, dry it with heating tool. Drawing some branches with black acrylic paint, use some suitable stamps with archival pigment ink and another stencil with distress ink (diamond), glue on some embellishments and last but not least - a personalized text in spidery handwriting and 
voila finished is a new art journaling page.

Just start, having fun and try out!
LG Kerstin

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Make a better world

Welcome everyone,
our new theme at 

Stamped, embossed, drawn, painted, real, die cut, chipboard, stencilled,....well, gears of any sort you can think of are what we want to see with any projects you can think of - and not only two or three added in a corner here and there for further embellishment! Gears should be one of the main parts of your creations - which shouldn't conflict with creating some glorious Steampunk anyway ;)

time again for a new steampunk creation, it's no wonder in time, 
it's a new art journaling page :-)
My new discovered theme and my old ;-) love to steampunk creation's


  zunächst mit verdünntem weißen Gesso grundieren, 
hier gemischt mit Distress spray ink walnut stain

 dann wurde der Rand mit Stempeln (LaBlanche, Flonzkraft) bearbeitet, 
Schablone gestupft mit dunkelbraune Acrylfarbe
 anschließend habe ich wieder mit flüssiger Distressfarbe gespielt ;-)
mit Pipette auftragen und anschließend mit Wasser darüber sprühen
und die Farbe ungeplant verlaufen lassen
sozusagen frei nach der Chaostheorie :-)

nun habe ich wieder mit der Salztechnik gearbeitet
grobkörniges Salz in die ein wenig angetrocknete noch feuchte Farbe einstreuen
und trocknen lassen, dann das noch übrige Salz entfernen

das Auge wurde mit Kohlestift gemalt, 
da mir der richtige Stempel fehlte ;-)

Stempeln auf Folie
Kombination Stempel + Embellishment
Spritztechnik mit Zahnbürste und flüssiger Acrylfarbe

Crafty Boots Challenges Anything but a card
Challenge up your life Masculine
A vintage journey Anything Tim
my favourite are his Distress inks (reinkers, ink pads, spray paints its a wonderful colour palette - quick and easy with a great altered look) 
Craft Stamper Magazine Take it make it - Use a stamp

 Let your spirits flow
Happy crafting!
LG Kerstin

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Vom Eise befreit ....

Welcome friends,

the first real spring day today, temperatures of 15 ° C, bright sunshine, birds singing because you have to get in a good mood, right?

A reason for me to leave again a new Art Journal Page arise. Today, I am of the well-known poem - inspired by Johann Wolfgang Goethe 
der erste wirkliche Frühlingstag heute, Temperaturen von 15°C, strahlender Sonnenschein, Vogelgezwitscher da muss man gute Laune bekommen, oder?
Für mich ein Grund wieder einen neue Art Journalseite entstehen zu lassen. Heute habe ich mich von dem 

bekannten Gedicht - Der Osterspaziergang - 

von Johann Wolfgang Goethe inspirieren lassen.

From the ice they are freed, the stream and brook,
By the Spring's enlivening, lovely look;
The valley's green with joys of hope;

From the ice they are freed, the stream and brook,
By the Spring's enlivening, lovely look;
The valley's green with joys of hope;
The Winter old and weak ascends
Back to the rugged mountain slope.

...An powerless shower of icy hail...

toothbrush + white acrylic paint

two little birds have hidden

old  stone bridge  painted with charcoal pencil

stamp Flonzkraft

Hark! Sounds of village joy arise;
Here is the people's paradise,
Contented, great and small shout joyfully:
"Here I am Man, here dare it to be!"

Scrap around the world 
 - Inspiration colour -blue- and the saying sunshine in my soul

I wish a sunny and bright sunday!
LG Kerstin

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spring is in the air

Hi everyone,

- Wings - our new theme at The Mirror crack'd

  We want to see ANYTHING (apart from cards) you can create with wings.
Instead of a physical prize this month we would like to offer our Winner a Guest Designer spot for a future challenge.

Spring is in the air and lures us into the nature!
When the sun's first rays begin to tickle our skin 
 and the days start to become longer following the cold time of year and Snowdrops are blooming
 people's moods improve.

an old book + stencils + distress inks

silver crackle paint + many stamps (Kaisercraft, La Blanche, Viva Decor)

napkin Great Tit

acryl painting + colored pencils for the snowdrops

 Spread your wings and let your imagination run free!
 We hope our fabulous Design Team can inspire you. 
Please pop by their blogs and show them your appreciation.

The Artistic stamper Creative Challenge Spring is coming
ART Journal Journey Things with wings
We do Doobadoo Spring Greens
Inspiration Journal Spring blooms 
Simon says stamp Monday challenge Just a hint of clover Spring and Green

Happy crafting!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Childhood Dreams

Welcome everyone,

Our new theme at Our creative corner in this month hosted by our new very creative Teamie Candice (aka Tinkan) is

- Junk in the Trunk -

 "So my challenge to you is to create something out of any kind of junk and re-fashion it either into something useful, functional or beautiful.
I am leaving the challenge open to your interpretation of what constitutes “Junk”. 

It may mean a set of hideously patterned china that you want to smash up and a make a mosaic...
It may mean reams of patterned paper you have lying around that you turn into a collage masterpiece...
It may mean doing something with skeins of wool that you intended to make a a sweater with...
It may mean doing something with rusty keys,nuts and bolts and random pieces of wire that you pick up off the street...
You can create whatever you want to, however you want to and with whatever you want to.
The only rules are that your project MUST contain something that you have reclaimed or recycled. "

My idea was to use an old book for a new art journal page in mixed media style, perhaps not practical at first view, but  yet personally for me. It combines words and pictures, thoughts and feelings, application of varoius innovative techniques and the idea of telling a story.

- zunächst mit weißem Gesso grundieren
- außerdem wurde aus einem anderen alten Buch
ein Schiffsrumpf und Kartenmaterial ausgeschnitten und mit verdünntem Gesso übermalt
- da meine Handschrift nicht immer so passend ist ;-) werden die Textbilder ausgedruckt
- passend zum Thema habe ich von einem Scrapbookpapier eine Burg als ''Luftschloss'' mit Kohlestift abgemalt

 jetzt kam ein Vielzahl an Schablonen zum Einsatz, immer zunächst mit weißem Gesso, mit dem Heißluftfön getrocknet und anschließend mit Distressfarben (mit Wasser verdünnt) als Sprühfarben genutzt

die Schriftzüge werden mit Decoupagekleber aufgeklebt

die eingesetzten Stempel sind von Viva Decor, Flonzkraft, Kaisercraft und Prima Marketing

The girls at OCC have come up with some inspiring and different versions on the theme this time.
Please pop on over and have fun!!

  This month one lucky winner will win a prize from our  sponsor,

I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Happy sunday!!
LG Kerstin