Saturday, August 31, 2024

Witchy's Barometer


Witchy's Barometer has started to rise

Halloween time is soon again
Dark romantic fantasy is back in vogue



Once you've seen the new Tim Holtz inspirations,

 it's time to bring the dark side of the Force to life again.

Today it's a tag with an old weathered barometer 

that functions as a mood barometer.

 It's currently somewhere in between frosty cold and boiling hot. 😈




See you soon!


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Hier kocht der Chef




Bei einer schönen Wanderung besuchte ich  das neue Hexendorf 

auf dem Hexentanzplatz in Thale, im Harz. Dort kann man auch ein Hexenhaus bestaunen, 

in dem die ganze Welt auf dem Kopf steht.

Das neue Hexendorf erscheint zunächst wie eine Touristenfalle, 

dem meiner Meinung nach das gewisse Etwas fehlt, 

um eine mystische Sagenwelt entstehen zu lassen.

Das war für mich Inspiration und Herausforderung zugleich.

Das Thema Hexenküche steht z. Zt. bei mir im Mittelpunkt einer neuen Dark Fantasy Reihe.


 Kocht denn der Chef oder die Chefin ;-) 

vor WUT oder was steht heute auf der Speisekarte???

Man weiß es nicht!!


Gewürzt mit einer Prise Humor und einem Augenzwinkern ,

im Hintergrund, habe ich ein Schild entstehen lassen, 

das man an die Küche, an die Imbissbude

an das regionale Spezialitätenrestaurant

oder wo auch immer es beliebt, hängen kann.



 Einzelteile, aus denen das Schild zusammen gesetzt wurde


some details

Viel Spaß!


Saturday, August 24, 2024

Counterfeiting - Produktpiraterie

Update August 2024



 - -- - - - - - - -Aus aktuellem Anlass - - - - - - - - -


 I am angry and upset 

that this problem still hasn't been solved.



- Today one remark in our own interest -

I have discovered a brazen case of counterfeiting. 
Not only has my original been copied and imitated, but it is being sold in various shops
 with my original images.
Found it on Ebay; Amazon; Aliexpress
and various USA shops

Immer noch - STILL

 I point out that the design, size and material are not the same as the original 
 Furthermore, neither my consent nor objection has been sought!!
I expressly state that on my personal blog,  
Copyright Designs and text © Kerstin Filou
My creative project ideas are shared here for personal inspiration only 
and should not be copied for sale, publication or competition entry.


 photomontage with my original images
  original article can be found here
 Disappointed regards
from Kerstin

Friday, August 23, 2024

Planner with Dusty Attic


I absolutely love working with Dusty Attic chipboards and stencils. They're so versatile, and I love the options and variety, especially when it comes to creative design. So today, I'm thrilled to present you with a new idea. It's a planner or better a Mood book in which I put together and collect certain moods, weather phenomena, funny sayings and personal memories for each month. 

 I also keep memories for example of particularly beautiful flowers in my garden, like the peony here in May. Unfortunately, there is still no way of preserving the wonderful scent, but it's still a great idea! 😃

 You don't need many chipboards to create a beautiful display, but you can use just a few to make special accents. I love using special embossing powders with a metallic effect to make each month unique.









 used chipboards and stencil


DA3398 Mini Titles #4 – Shine 

  DA3407 Month Tabs 

 DA2509 Simply Perfect 

 DA0982 Mini Nest and Bird Set 

 DA3728 Get Framed – Stitched Rectangle 

 DA0370 Mini Vine 

 DA1784 Distressed Filmstrip 

  DA1487 Sunburst Stencil

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hexenküche - Hier kocht die Alte noch selbst


 Hello creative friends!


 August always gives me the urge to come up with new Halloween ideas

 and today I have a new fun kitchen sign for you. 

Did you know, that there is a witch's kitchen on the moon

 where the old lady still cooks herself lol?

The magic kitchen is bubbling and smoking, 

I can't wait to see what's on the menu today!



 some details

used MDF shapes can you find here



Let your imagination run free!


Friday, August 9, 2024

A girl and her dog with Dusty Attic




My latest sea inspired layout with some beautiful chipboards from Dusty Attic.

It's a mix of boho and vintage style , I used some dried plants like grasses and thistles, 

I love that natural look, I played with distressed colours and different textures

 to make everything look a bit older.



 All chipboards were primed with white gesso, then painted with acrylics. 

Some were textured with powder. I

 love to divide the chippies because it opens up new possibilities. 

You often work in layers, which creates a vivid impression.


 used chipboards


DA2411 A Girl and Her Dog 

  DA2268 Shells #3 

DA2768 Ocean Elements #2

DA1906 Coral #1 

 DA1912 Seaweed #3 

DA1104 Seagrass #1 Small 

 DA2584 Compass Rose #2