Monday, January 27, 2025

Gute Besserung


 Hello creative friends!


Überall schnupft und niest es, alle sind krank und erschöpft. 

Ein lieber Krankenbesuch kann helfen und man möchte auch eine kleine Aufmerksamkeit mitbringen. 

So habe ich mir überlegt etwas zu werkeln, was man neben Medizin 

und anderen nützlichen Dingen schenken kann. 


Entstanden ist diese Teekanne, gefüllt mit Kräutertee, 

aus der neue Energie in Form von Zahnrädern fließt, dekoriert mit duftenden Gewürzen.


used Calico Craft Parts


200 x 128 mm

 (only Stand used, please ask)


some details


Best wishes!



Thursday, January 23, 2025

Baking Fun - Christmas cookies


 Hello creative friends!

In our family, we love to bake biscuits with the children every year, and it's a tradition that never fails to bring joy. The kitchen might end up a bit of a mess, but that's all part of the fun! The mums go through litres of coffee, while the kids get their hands dirty with flour and sugar. And the end result? Delicious cookies that everyone loves. It's a real miracle, and one of the highlight of our year! 😀

 To commemorate this event, I made a layout with a little leash next to funny photos in the shape of a star. I attached envelopes containing the mysterious biscuit recipes to the leash with clips.





used Dusty Attic chipboards


 DA3509 Kitchen Icons #2 

 DA1164 Mini Jingle Bells

DA3690 Grinch Stockings

DA3174 Pine Sprigs #2

 DA3693 Christmas Labels black

DA2441  Stars #4

DA2550  Todays Memories


some details


Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Coffee Hearts - DIY Gift idea




 I was inspired to create a home decor project as a small Thank - you gift.

 I glued two hearts offset on top of each other and used colours and textures

 to create a grunge project in steampunk style hanging wall decoration 

suitable for friends who love coffee.

used MDF Calico Craft Parts

some details


I hope I could inspire you! 

Have fun realizing your own stories and creative ideas!


Thanks for your visit!



Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year's wishes


Thankful greetings for 2024


A healthy happy New Year

creative friends  !!



 used chipboards

DA2609 Winters Forest #1 
DA1336 Elegant Pearls 

DA2441  Stars #4

 DA2389 Number Jumble

 DA0665 Rustic Charm Frame set